Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Greater Good?

I went to a meeting last night convened by some of the great and good in our community with the aim of organising a conference for an extremely good cause.

I have never been to such a toxic and hostile gathering in my life and I have been involved in rather a lot of committees over the past few years.

The main objective of the group was admirable and necessary but they came to the meeting totally bogged down with their own agendas and motives so much so that the big picture was completely lost in the details. I accept that some of the details were important and needed to be discussed before progress could be made, but nothing much happened at all because the atmosphere was so negative and  it was very difficult to negotiate because of the all the personalities and agendas involved. I came out of the meeting feeling despondent and my equilibrium was completely disturbed, I felt physically sick.

I received an email this morning which confirmed what I think I had decided last night, this project is not for me. I am a peace loving person, I believe in the greater good and in doing good and have spent most of my adult life involved in one organisation or another trying to achieve this.

On encountering this group of highly intelligent, highly motivated and genuinely involved people unable to set aside their political or religious affiliations and regional differences and agendas, who totally failed to keep their focus on the main objectives despite their desire to do good, I couldn't in all good faith get involved. The personal cost would be just too high, sometimes you have to say no...

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